Package-level declarations


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class FilePath(val absolutePath: Path, val basePath: Path? = null, val relativePath: Path? = null)

Represents both absolute path and relative path if available.


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var PsiFile.absolutePath: Path?
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var PsiFile.basePath: Path?
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var PsiFile.lineSeparator: String?
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var PsiFile.relativePath: Path?


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fun PsiFile.absolutePath(): Path
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fun PsiFile.fileNameWithoutSuffix(multiplatformTargetSuffixes: List<String> = emptyList()): String

Removes kotlin specific file name suffixes, e.g. .kt. Note, will not remove other possible/known file suffixes like '.java'

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fun getLineAndColumnInPsiFile(file: PsiFile, range: TextRange): PsiDiagnosticUtils.LineAndColumn?
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fun PsiFile.toFilePath(): FilePath